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6 февраля 2018 г.

Разработка урока по английскому языку в 4 классе на тему «Прогноз погоды»

В.Н. Свичкарь
учитель английского языка
ГУ ЛУВК СШГ №30, г. Луганск

Разработка урока по английскому языку в 4 классе на тему «Прогноз погоды»

Представленный ниже урок включает в себя элементы системно-деятельностного подхода и коммуникативного метода обучения. Основным принципом работы на данном уроке является постановка и решение проблемных задач. Для мотивации познавательного интереса и активизации практической деятельности используются творческие задания. На уроке развиваются все виды речевой деятельности. Домашнее задание носит креативный характер, что позволяет поддерживать интерес к урокам английского языка.
Ключевые слова
Коммуникативный метод обучения, проблемная задача, творческие задания.
Предметная область: английский язык.
Категория учащихся: 4 класс.
Тема урока: “Weather forecast”.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Время реализации: 40 минут.
Основной метод: коммуникативный.
Технологии: системно-деятельностная, здоровьесберегающая.
Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, парная, индивидуальная.
Оборудование и наглядность: мультимедийная презентация, дидактические карточки для индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы, мультимедийная установка; аудиозапись прогноза погоды.
Цели и задачи урока:
Образовательные: развивать коммуникативные навыки по теме «Погода»; употреблять the Future Simple Tense (утвердительная, вопросительная, отрицательная формы), активизировать лексический и грамматический материала по теме «Погода», повторить грамматические времена.
Развивающие: развивать навыки устной диалогической и монологической речи по теме «Погода», способствовать развитию произвольного внимания, произвольной слуховой и зрительной памяти; развивать учебно-интеллектуальных навыки (анализ, применение правила); способствовать развитию фонетических навыков, фонематического слуха.
Воспитательные: воспитывать интерес к природе; привить интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
  1. Organization
    Т: Good afternoon. Nice to meet you. Are you ready? Sit down.
  2. Phonetic drills
    Т: Listen to the tongue twister, translate it. What sounds are we going to work at?
  3. Speaking
    T: What date is it today? What month is it? What seasons do you know? Listen to the riddles, guess the seasons.
    The flowers are blooming,
    The sun is shining.
    The rains are few,
    The sky is blue. (Summer)
There's mist in the garden,
The summer is over.
The trees are bare
And frost in the air. (Autumn)
The wind is blowing,
The snow is falling.
When all is white,
Short day and long night. (Winter)
T: Name one more season, which I’ve missed. (Pupils: spring.)Look at the presentation.

You may use the scheme.
It’s …
In … the weather is ...
The sky is …
The trees are…
It’s …
It’s not …
The main colour of …is …
… is a…. season.
Complete the sentences, tell us about different seasons in our country.
T: What is the weather like today? Do you like today's weather? The English proverb says: there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. Do you agree with it?
There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes

Main part
1.Checking the home task
T: First of all let's check up your homework. Are you ready with your presentations? Your topic was "Last summer" / "Last autumn" /
"Last New Year ". (Children’s presentations)

Were there any mistakes?
2. Aims and plan
T: What is the topic of our lesson?
Do you know what the weather will be like tomorrow or next week? I want you to be real weather forecasters today and make up your own weather forecasts. If you work hard, they will come true. Do you want to try?
3. Warming up
T: To make up weather forecasts we must have tools, formulas and schemes. Our tools are words, so let's revise them. Take the cards with the words, match them to the parts of speech: verbs and adjectives, translate them.
blow cool warm wet shine windy frosty rain rainy
snow snowy muddy sunny cold cloudy

4. Presentation
T: We need words to speak about weather. What else do we need? To make up weather forecasts let's read some examples. What tense is it? Why? Read the sentences with adjectives. What do they have in common? Read the sentences with verbs. What word is there before the verbs? Is it possible to use the verb to be with verbs? (Work with the presentation).

It will be +adjective.
It will +verb.
How can you complete negative and interrogative forms?
It will not be+ adjective.
It will not
Will it be + adjective?
Will it __ + verb?

Now we have special formulas for your future weather forecasts.
5. Drills
а) speaking
T: .You are going to work in pairs and make up very short weather forecasts. Make up affirmative and negative sentences. You have 1 minute.
T: Can you add information to these weather forecasts? Do you have any questions?
T: Are you tired? Let's have a break .
b) listening, writing
T: I think you are already real professionals. Oh, maybe I'm mistaken. Let's check. Lugansk weather forecasters heard some talks about weather. But they missed some words and could not understand what the weather was like. Can you help them? You are going to listen to the dialogues. Be ready to fill the gaps in.
Hand out #1
1) - Good morning, Emma.
- Good morning, Mum. What’s the weather ____ today?
- Oh, it’s______ . You must wear your boots.
2) - Jill, what was the weather like_ ?
- Oh! Yesterday _____ sunny. And it was hot. Very  _____.
3) – What was the weather like_ winter, Sam?
- It was cold, wasn’t it? There was ______snow. It snowed. It snowed ______ day.
4) - What was the weather like in__, Ned?
- Last April was often _____. It rained and it was _____,_______windy.
c) reading
Children read the dialogues
T: You are real professionals. What tense is it? Can we write our weather forecast in Past Simple or Present Simple? What tense do you need? We must change the sentences. Read them, use the Future Simple tense. What is the auxiliary verb? Do we change base verbs?
T: At last you are ready to make up your own weather forecasts. I propose you to work in groups. Take hands-out #2. These are schemes of a weather forecast. You have 3 minutes to complete own weather forecasts. Be ready to ask questions.
Hand out #2
-What will the weather be like tomorrow?
  • Tomorrow the weather will _. The sky be __ and the sun will__. The temperature will about _degrees below zero. It be _ and__ a little. It will not __ or__. We will wear __clothes and boots. We skate, sledge, play __ and make__.
be, will, warm, wet, muddy, cold, frosty, slippery, snowmen, snowballs, blue, shine, 5-7
Hand out #2
-What will the weather be like next Easter?
  • Next Easter will in_. It be_. The sky will __and the sun will_.
    be _and __a little. The temperature about _degrees above zero. It will not __or_. We will wear _clothes and shoes. We go for a _and play in the open _.
be, will, April, blue, shine, sunny, 12-14, warm, windy, light, wet, muddy, walk, air
Hand out #2
-What will the weather be like next summer?
  • Next summer will _, __but it not be_. The temperature will about _degrees above zero. Sometimes the weather be_. It will __but not very often. It not be_. We will __light shorts, blouses, dresses and sandals. We swim in the river or in the sea and play outdoors__.
be, will, games, sunny, warm, hot, wear, foggy, 24-25, cloudy, rain
Tomorrow’s weather

Next Easter

Next summer

Were there any mistakes? Do you like such weather forecast? Do you want to have such weather tomorrow? / Next Easter? / Next summer?
T: What was the topic of the lesson? What tenses did we revise? What was difficult / interesting? Did you like to be weather forecasters? Have you got any questions? Will our weather forecast come true? We'll see it in future. In any case we must remember the English proverb: (all together) there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes.
2. Home task
Find and learn Russian and English proverbs about weather.
3. Evaluation

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