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18 февраля 2019 г.


Л.Н. Панченко
ГБОУ ЛНР «АСОШ №22» г. Алчевск

«Школьные Олимпийские Игры»


Методическая разработка «Школьные Олимпийские Игры» предназначена для проведения интегрированного внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку и физкультуре. Общепризнано, что современный спорт невозможен без использования английского языка, поэтому отработка совместных навыков и умений в овладении физкультурой и английским языком имеет большую практическую направленность.Внеклассное мероприятие, которое позволяет не только привлечь большое количество учащихся разных возрастов, способностей и интересов, но и активно включать  их в практическую деятельность – это любимая детьми игра. Именно игра решает  образовательные задачи и задачи активной познавательной деятельности, потому, что это целенаправленная творческая деятельность.Учащиеся имеют возможность самореализации, используя иностранный язык как  средство международного общения на олимпийских соревнованиях.
Содержание материала мероприятия соответствует  требованиям программы, включая все необходимые составные части.
Данное учебное мероприятие рекомендуется провести в  спортивном зале в виде соревнования между командами. В проведении Школьных Олимпийских Игр принимают участие учащиеся 7-8 классов в качестве членов команд и болельщиков. Старшеклассники исполняют роль ведущих. Гости из младших классов приглашены  для демонстрации своих знаний в английском языке. Учителя школы и выпускники являются представителями жюри Олимпийских Игр.
Программа Олимпийских Игр состоит из нескольких этапов. Выполнение физических упражнений и заданий чередуются с занимательными конкурсами  и викторинами, исполнение английских песен и танцев сменяется показательными выступлениями в различных видахвосточных единоборств и проверке знаний английских пословиц  и идиом. Учащиеся демонстрируют навыки и умения в спортивных играх, заданиях по легкой атлетике, используя иностранный язык как инструмент общения что, безусловно, развивает и физические и умственные способности учащихся. Данное мероприятие проводится также с целью пропаганды здорового образа жизни, выполнения нормативных упражненийи регулярных занятий физкультурой.
Основные цели, поставленная автором данной разработки – обобщить и систематизировать связь английского языка и спорта, применять знания по теме «Спорт» в нестандартных ситуациях, совершенствовать грамматические и лексические навыки учащихся, развивать интерес к спорту, в значительной степени повысить мотивацию  учащихся к углубленному изучению  иностранного языка. Данные цели  предполагают коммуникативное и социокультурное развитие школьников средствами иностранного языка.
Воспитывать доброжелательное отношение к людям, чувство товарищества, взаимовыручки и ответственности, умение сотрудничать и умение объективно оценивать себя и одноклассников – эти задачи являются приоритетными в реализации данного проекта.
Предлагаемая форма работы является актуальной, так как обеспечивает личностно-ориентированное взаимодействие учащихся, формирует коммуникативную и нравственную компетентности, бесконфликтное общение, развитие творческих способностей. Участие в игровой форме позволяет наиболее эффективно выполнить эту задачу.
Данная методическая разработка может быть взята за основу для проведения внеклассных мероприятий во внеурочное время в рамкахдополнительного образования, или стать традиционным праздником во время проведения предметных недель.Участие в данном проекте позволит учителям английского языка и физкультуры объективно оценить уровень владения материалом учащимися, пройденном в курсе изучения темы.

Ключевые слова
коммуникативная направленность, активизация познавательной деятельности,организация внекласснойработы.

to enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new information about sport;
to involve students into communicative activities;
topractise pupil’s listening ,speaking  and writing skills;
to develop pupils’ analytical thinking and reaction;
to widen lexis with the help of poems and proverbs;
to form  students’ communicative habits according to the given situations;
to develop creativity and imagination of the pupils;
to teach students to work in pairs and  teams;
to bring up pupils’ respect for each other’s viewpoints;
to encourage  the desire to be the leader and to develop healthy habits.
Equipment: DVD (music  for aerobics,), skipping ropes,  balls, cards with  the tasks, pictures with different kinds of sports, sport pictograms, slogans for fans.

  1. Introduction
Announcer: Attention! Dear ladies and gentlemen! Today we`ll open our first School Olympic Games at this gym. Two best teams of our school will take part in these competitions.
Announcer: I ask everybody to stand up. (music)
Light the Olympic flame which came from the classic temple on Olympia! Raise the flag of Olympic competitions! (The Olympic Anthem sounds)
Let`s applaud and greet our youngest sportsmen from our primary school whose real Olympic Games will be in future. They want to welcome our sportsmen.
(Children recite poems and show pictures about sports)
  1. Warming-up

He is a sportsman!
His legs are long!
His shoulders are broad!
And his arms are strong!
Come to the sports-ground, girls and boys!
There you will get health and joys!
Swim in the river, run and play
Sport makes you healthy strong and gay!
Sport is fun for boys and girls,
It`s much better than the toys.
You can sledge and ski and skate
And play snowballs with Kate!
You can swim and play football
Hockey, tennis, basketball.
You can jump and you can run,
You can have a lot of fun.

I like riding my bicycle.
I am fond of playing chess.
My friend is good at judo.
We are keen as you can guess
On every kind of sport for sure.
As it can for every girl and boy
Bring many moments of joy.
The proverb reads for everybody
«A sound mind in a sound body».
  1. Main Part
Announcer: Thank you, our dear friends. Hope to see you here not as our guests but as the future winners of the competitions.
Now I’ll give the floor to the hostess of our holiday Goddess Olympia! 

Goddess Olympia: I greet everyone who loves sport and is ready to compete! (applause)
You know that sport is as old as humanity itself.  As you, of course, remember the first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 BC at the foot of mount Olympus to honour the Greeks’ god, Zeus. According to the decree of that time there shouldn’t be any wars during the Olympiad. I hope all you know that the Greeks gave particular importance to physical fitness and strength in their education of young people. That’s why competitions in running, wrestling, boxing, discus throwing, horse and chariot racing were held in all cities and the winners   took part in the Olympic Games every four years. The programme of the Olympic Games grew and changed because a lot of new sport events were added. The winner of the Olympic Games   became a real hero. An olive garland was placed on his head, his name was recorded in the Greek calendar, poets sang praises, sculptors carved his statue which was put at the birthplace of the winner. All citizens came down into the streets and threw flowers to the champions. An Olympian victory was regarded as the crown of human happiness. Only men could take part in the Olympic Games. Women, foreigners and slaves were not allowed even to watch the competitions under the fear of death penalty. But fortunately it was many, many years ago. Today two teams will participate in the competitions and we shall see which team will be successful! I am sure the Games will be interesting for our competitors and fans!
I declare the Olympic Games open! Let`s win the best! (music)
Announcer: Let me introduce the members of our Jury.
  1. The Head of our Jury is the principal of our school;
  2. The member of the Jury is the teacher of Physical Training;
  3. The member of the Jury is the teacher of English;
  4. The member of the Jury is the instructor in martial arts, our school leaver.
Announcer: I would like to invite our guest, the instructor in martial arts, to say a few words to our participants and fans.
Instructor: If we speak about sport we should remember that there is a great number of different physical activities which are especially beneficial for our health. At the same time they are very popular among the young people. Karate, aerobics, windsurfing, gymnastics make us full of energy, free from stress and tension. Remember that any physical exercises will build your muscles and help to lose your weight. If you train systematically you will keep fit and hardly ever get ill. I do hope that sport will encourage you to switch your computer off and to spend your time outdoors to feel alive and alert. I invite everyone who wants to be healthy and strong to join our sport club “Fighter”.    
Announcer:I’ll hand in the programme of the competitions to the Jury.
The program of the Games includes the following:
  1. Morning exercises – 5 points.
  2. Weight - lifting-10 points.
  3. Climbing the rope-8 points.
  4. Pulling up the horizontal bar – 10 points.
  5. Skipping-7 points.
  6. Throwing the ball into the basket-ball ring- 10 points.
  7. Three legged race-10 points.
  8. Additional points the teams can get for sport dance-7 points.
  9. Brainstorming - Reciting English proverbs about sport -20 points.
10.Brainstorming - Expert show about sport- 20points.
  1. Captain’s combat -10 points.
  2. Task for the rival – 10 points.
Our school’s best sportsmen will be my assistants, take the stop watch, please. 

These two charming girls who are cheerleaders will help me to organize our competitions and our lovely goddess Olympia will present the Olympic Cup and Diploma to the best team. 

Announcer: During our competitions I ask everybody to speak only English
because it`s the language of international communication at our sport events today. It concerns not only the members of the teams but the fans as well. Now I want to introduce our teams.
 Line up! The captains of the teams will introduce the names and mottos of their teams.
(a storm of applause)
The captains of the teams are…
Let`s greet both teams! (applause)
Let teams greet each other!
Team A- STARS: Our best wishes to our rivals! The motto of our team is  «Only forward!»
Team B- WARRIORS: We wish you all the best! Our motto is very simple «Just do it!»
Dear fans! Let`s greet and support the members of both teams!
 The fans demonstrate their slogans.
United we stand, divided we fall!
You are our hope and pride!!!
Use or lose.
Small steps-big results!!!!!
Never stop!
Citius, Altius, Fortius- Faster, Higher, Stronger!
Announcer: Sound the list of the participants of the competitions.
Line up! Greet each other!
It’s time to start our School Olympic Games. Of course, you know it`s necessary to train systematically, so we`ll begin with morning exercises which I am sure you do every day. Be attentive and active. The team can get 5 points. (music)
Team STARS                                          Team WARRIORS
Hands up!                                                  Hands up!
Hands down!                                             Hands down!
Hands on waist!                                          Hands on the shoulders!
Bend to the right!                                       Sit down!
Bend to the left!                                         Clap your hands-3 times!
Turn around!                                              Snake your hands!
Right hand back!                                        And turn around!
Left hand forward!                                     March, march, head erect!
Hands to the sides!                                     Left! Right! That`s correct!
Move your fingers!                                     Hands up!
Snake your hands!                                      Hands down!
1, 2, 3 – hop!                                              Put on your knees!
1, 2, 3 – hop!                                              And sit down!
Announcer: I ask jury to announce the score.
While our Jury is workinglet`s listen to the famous Scottish song «Bonny» performed by our young friends from the third form. Let`s sing together!
Jury: Attention! At our screen you can see the score earned by both teams.
Announcer: Now – the next task. I invite all the members to play basketball. It`s necessary to throw a ball into the ring. We shall see who is so lucky today. Dear spectators, you may support your favorite team. The team can score 10 points and it has only 5 minutes.  

Announcer: I ask the jury to announce the score. Will the teacher of Physical Training comment on the competitions? We`ll listen to this opinion with great interest. (The teacher comments the results)
Announcer: I invite the captains of the teams to demonstrate their strength in weight-lifting. You can score 10 points. Start, please! Our congratulations! You are the strongest! 

Announcer: Now we know who is the strongest one. But who is the smartest?
Every captain is given the pictogram symbolizing Olympic events.
The task is:
1) to guess the name of sport(game);
2) to define if it is indoor or outdoor sport (game);
3) to identify the number of participants;
4) to mention the equipment it needs;
5) to describe your attitude to this sport or game;
Card 1                                                                                    Card 2


Announcer: Dear friends! Can you climb? Three members of the team must climb the rope. Remember you must do it as quickly as possible! Good luck! The team can score 8 points.
Announcer: Our dear fans can help their team with getting additional points. While the members of both team relax a little we`ll enjoy sport dances. The team can score 7 points from their fans.
Cheerleading groups are dancing.
Karate, Karaoke
Karate, ushu, kon-fu,
These are the sports we want to do.
No more rugby we know why
We like wushu -Hi! Hi! Hi!
Goodbye tennis too,
So old-fashioned, we hate you.
Jump! Swing! Push! Pull! Ha!
Martial arts are better by far
Swimming, soccer take them back,
Handball, golf we don’t like them
We are kids of the block,
Get the message! Rock! Rock!Rock!
Announcer: Today we have invited our guests from the 11th form to tell about  very popular kind of sport  among the teenagers and to  show us their achievements.
We are the members of the sport club” Fighter”. Now we’ll inform you about two kinds of martial arts and demonstrate some elements of the real combat. 
One of the most popular forms of martial arts, Karate, is said to have originated on the island of Okinawa in Japan, thousands of years ago. Since weapons were banned in Okinawa, the Okinawans developed strong hand-fighting techniques in order to defend themselves.
Another popular martial arts form Tae Kwon Do originated around 1300 years ago in Korea and is one of the oldest surviving martial arts. The origin of this combat form can be traced back to Buddhist monks who studied first in China and then brought their teachings to Korea.
The pupils demonstrate some fragments of the combat. (applause) 

We ask fans of the teams to pay  attention to the following pictures. You can see different types of martial arts. Try to write the jumbled words correctly under every picture. The team can get additionally 2 points for every right answer. 
For team STARS


For team  WARRIORS


Announcer:  In some minutes on our screen you’ll see who is the winner. Thanks a lot, our dear supporters! 
Announcer: It`s time for rather difficult task. I invite 2 members of the team for pulling up the horizontal bar. Who is the strongest? The best result is 10 points. I ask my assistant to calculate the results and inform the jury. Let’s support our teams! While our jury is working we’ll relax a little bit. We shall listen to the song «Imagine» performed by the pupil of the 10thform .
Announcer: It’s time for brainstorming.Proverbs about sport should be told in English and translated into Russian by all the members of the teams. First it is necessary to match the beginning of the proverb to its end. I invite our teachers of English to judge and calculate the results.
  1. Good health … a. too hot.
  2. All is well… b. do as the Romans do.
  3. Better to do well… c. many deeds.
  4. Two heads are … d. than to say well.
  5. Better a lean peace… e. better than one
  6. A strong man’s sport is… f. keeps the doctor away.
  7. Better to be the head of the dog … g. the sickly man’s death.
  8. The sooner, … h. no gains.
  9. Tastes… i. in the sound body.
  10. Hope is a good breakfast … j. carry coal to Newcastle.
  11. As many heads… k. is half the battle.
  12. A little pot is… l. is above wealth.
  13. Everything is… m. that ends well.
  14. An apple a day… n. than a tale of the lion.
  15. Every cook… o. than a fat victory.
  16. When you are in Rome… p. good in its season
  17. No pains,… q. as many minds.
  18. Few words,… r. the better.
  19. One doesn`t … s. but a bad supper.
  20. To put a spoke… t. praises his own broth
  21. Good beginning … u. in a person`s wheel.
  22. Sound mind… v. differ.
Key: 1-l; 2-m; 3-d; 4-e; 5-o; 6-g; 7-n; 8-r; 9-v; 10-j; 11-q; 12-a;13-p;14-f; 15-t; 16-b; 17-h; 18-c; 19-s; 20-u; 21-k; 22-i.
Announcer: I ask jury to announce which team knows English proverbs better.
The results you can see on our screen.
I invite 5 members of the team to compete. Every team is given a card with questions. Right answer will bring 2 points. 
Who is interested in sports?
  1. What is the most popular game in America? (Baseball)
  2. In which city of the USA were Summer Olympic Games held? (Atlanta)
  3. Who decides where will the next Olympic Games take place? (The International Olympic Committee in Lousanne in Switzerland)
  4. Is judo an Olympic kind of sport? (Yes, it is)
  5. When were the last summer Olympic Games held? (Brazil, 2016)
  6. What is the motherland of football? (England)
  7. Whose initiative was the Olympic movement restored in 1896? (French baron Pierre de Cuberten)
  8. What championship is the place where traditionally the spectators eat strawberries with cream? (Wimbledon tennis championship)
  9. What do the rings of the Olympic Games symbolize?(Blue-Europe; black-Africa; red-America; yellow-Asia; green- Australia)
  10. Can you place the colours of the rings in the Olympic flag correctly? (The first row- blue, black and red; the second row-yellow and green)
Announcer: Dear friends, the results are on our screen.
Announcer: Attention! Let`s relax and enjoy watching dances. The members of every team will dance rock and roll. I invite dancing couples to compete. The team can score 7 points. I want jury to give their commentary. 

My skipping Rope
Over my head and under my toes,
That’s the way my skipping rope goes,
I can skip slowly, I can skip fast,
Look, my rope is whirling past.
Announcer: Who wants to skip? I invite two members from every team. Please, stand back to back, start! (music) 

The team can score 8 points.
Announcer: Brilliant results! I am really surprised by the skills of our girls. Hope our Jury will give some commentaries.
Announcer: Both teams have prepared the special tasks for their contestants.
Team STARS asks to translate the following idioms about sport into Russian.
  1. Thedailydozen / Зарядка
  2. Towarmthebench / Не принимать участие в соревнованиях
  3. Tosweeptheboard / Завоевать все призы
  4. Towinthewoodenspoon / Занять последнее место в соревнованиях
  5. To swim like a cork / Плаватькакрыба
  6. To send somebody to the showers / Вывестиигрокаизигры
  7. To make a point / Завоеватьочко
  8. The twelfth man / Запасной игрок
  9. Ready, steady, go / На старт, внимание, марш
  10. A play-by-play story / Спортивныйрепортаж
Team WARRIORS asks to finish the name of extreme sports and give their Russian translation.
  1. Bungee…/jumping /Прыжки с большой высоты, с помощью веревки , привязанную к ногам, которая не позволит коснуться земли
2 .Hang…/gliding Дельтапланеризм/
3.Para…/ scending /Парапланеризм
4.Ice / diving / Подледное плавание
  1. Scuba / diving / Плавание с аквалангом
  2. Roller /derby / Гонки на роликах
  3. Car / racing / Авторалли
  4. White /waterrafting / Передвижение по горным рекам на плотах
  5. Wakeboarding/ Передвижение на доске за водно-моторным судном
  6. Rock /climbing / Альпинизм
I ask our teachers of English to judge and calculate the results. Again the results are on our screen.
Funny competitions
Announcer: Now the funniest competitions which are very popular in Great Britain. It is Three - legged race. I invite 2 members from every team and the fans - girls from the group of support. Boys and girls run in pairs with the right leg of one boy or girl tied to the left leg of the other. They mustn`t run very quickly. Try not to fall. I ask our jury to comment the events and announce the score. 

Announcer: Thank you very much. It was really exciting struggle. Alas! Our competitions are over. The general score is …in favour of ... I give the floor to our jury… It`s a solemn moment of awarding the winners.
(song” We are the champions”)
I ask Goddess Olympia to award the winner of the competitions.
Goddess Olympia: All the members of our competitions are awarded with Diplomas. 

Our cup and the cake are handed to the team winner. I ask to carry the Olympic Flame out and to low the Olympic Flag (sound the Olympic Anthem)
I declare the First School Olympic Games close! 

Our holiday is over! My best wishes and congratulations to all participants! Thank you for being so energetic, active, smart and inventive! See you the next School Olympic Games!

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